oh, by the way, you're paying, because if you do as much homework as me, you have no time to work and here's the equation:
A lot of homework + Depression = No Money & No will to pay.
Call me.
{kwoo§hie}* said...
Adonis said...
sorry koosh, i already went and saw cellular. i still feel like crap, i didnt pay, and the movie was not that great. i guess my depression need a little more than a movie to undo. off to the psychiatrist.
{kwoo§hie}* said...
um, i think YOUR phone is ringing...
Sawsan said...
well, i know how to ease ur depression........... STUDENTS...GET READY MOURY IS COMING.
Adonis said...
Change of plans. Come over to my house and we'll watch Pulp Fiction. Just me and you, OK? Pulp Fiction, my house, anytime you want. Hopefully a little violence and comedy will get me back on the "jollier" side of life. I'll be waiting.
{kwoo§hie}* said...
i'm on my way. waste time for about a month and a half, and before you know it, i'll be at your door. no wrist cutting before then please.
Adonis said...
hehe... it hasnt reached wrist cutting severeness, and dont worry, it wont. the worst case scenario is that ill become desperate, stop doing homework, my grades will plumet, my sophomore year gets ruined, etc... (knowing this stuff, dont you think i would stop it from happening?)