I love my family name, but people keep on asking me how i say it and then they try to repeat it after me, completely slaughtering the pronounciation. im sick of telling people how to say my last name. also, im tired of falsly complementing people's "great" arabic pronounciation. i shall become like madonna, with a single name. "Adonis"... it sounds so glorious.
{kwoo§hie}* said...
to adonis _________
i can say it! if i can say it, then you KNOW that it's worth it. i mean, how can ppl look you up without a last name?? like, totally! like, i want to, like, add adonis to my, like, aol thingy, u know? and like, i can't find him!
or ok, how about your future wife? what will you have to offer her? =| nothing? =P
sarah-angela __(blank)__
like i'm a humzee.
Adonis said...
hehe. thanks for the wise words. that totaly convinced me. you're da bomb koosh. da bomb.