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Adonis' Site

This site's about me: about what I think, about what I believe, about what I write. If you disagree, you're wrong. I support inequality and the fair mistreetment of people. WARNING: THIS SITE IS SO COOL, YOUR COMPUTER IS IN CONSIDERABLE DANGER OF FREEZING. Site hits:  

Sunday, April 30, 2006

4/30/2006 03:53:00 PM -

Today was windy. And very fun. Posted by Picasa

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Monday, April 24, 2006

4/24/2006 12:57:00 AM - Relationship Threnody, Or, Wishful Thinking

I wish that you never lose as much sleep
Thinking of me as I have, thinking of you.
I wish that you can say "I love you"
Without immediately thinking of me.
I wish that laughter won't remind you
Of a blissful time that was.


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Friday, April 21, 2006

4/21/2006 10:53:00 PM - To Survey or not to Survey?


[Marital Status] Single.
[Parents still together] Definitely.
[Siblings] Jonathan David, 5.
[Pets] Christian, 20 years of age.

[Number] 13 and 46. And 5.
[Animal] The tastiest one...
[Drinks] Ooh, I like freckled lemonades. And pina coladas.
[Soda] Coke. Classic.
[Book] The Bible
[Flower] The Rhodora. Read the poetry about it. Beautiful.

[Color your hair?] errr... no.
[Twirl your hair?] When it's long and not gelled. Meaning rarely.
[Have tattoos?] I have one on each eye.
[Have Piercings?] Ewe.
[Cheat on tests/homework?] I'm an honest fellow. Honestly. (whistles something obscure)
[Drink/Smoke?] Good one.
[Like roller coasters?] Is this a trick question? Like their engineering? Like riding them? AH!!!
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Heaven, please.
[Want more piercings?] I hate this survey.
[Like cleaning?] I have to, my work requires it.
[Write in cursive or print?] I print. Except for my loopy "L's"
[Own a web cam?] One.
[Know how to drive?] Theoretically.
[Own a cell phone?] Soon.
[Ever get off the damn computer?] I don't know how you guys use computers, but right now I'm on a chair. Like usual.

[Been in a fist fight?] Good times.
[Considered a life of crime?] All the time.
[Considered being a hooker?] Not until I read this.
[Lied to someone?] Sorry.
[Been in love?] QUE??? Si.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Yuck.
[Been in lust?] Umm, like in the German? Yes, tons of time. In English... I can't recall...
[Used someone] I'm an angel ya 3ammi.
[Been used?] Sera. Tsk, tsk.
[Been cheated on?] NEVAH!
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Hahaha. Kicked, elbowed, punched, upper-cutted... And they deserved it.
[Stolen anything?] Nothing major...
[Held a gun] And shot it.


[Current clothing] Boxers, long sleeved grey shirt. Watch. Axe.
[Current taste] Whoever made this is a moron.
[What you currently smell like] Axe. We established that.
[Current hair] Short, brown. Needs a trim on the beard.
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Reading.
[Current CD in stereo] Abdelhalim on the Computer.
[Last book you read] V for Vendetta graphic novel. Sweet.
[Last movie you saw] This movie about suicide bombers called Paradise Now. Very thought provoking. AND Arabic!
[Last thing you ate] Two packets of frosted Cherry Pop Tarts
[Last person you talked to on the phone] I yelled at some solicitor and hung up.
[Do drugs?] Ibuprofen 800 tablets for my bad tooth :'(
[Believe there is life on other planets?] I believe it as much as I love PETA.
Remember your first love?] She was so pretty.
[Still love him/her?] No, I'm over her.
[Read the newspaper?] I glance.
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Yes, a couple.
[Believe in miracles?] Definitely. Ever heard of the Resurrection?
[Do well in school?] Not like I try, but yes, superbly.
[Wear hats] Always.
[Hate yourself?] Only in the mornings.
[Have an obsession?] I want to make a difference.
[Collect anything?] Body parts.
[Have a best friend?] JA!
[Close friends?] Many.
[Like your handwriting?] Ughhhhh...
[Care about looks] It's important to present oneself as best as possible. But so many things are millions of times more important, baby-cakes...

[First crush] Umm, this angel of a girl from 1st to 5th grade. I think she liked me too, but nothing happened.
[First kiss] Very pure. It was right.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Not really.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yeah. God has a perfect partner for each of us.
[Are you a tease?] In English, but not in Arabic. Punk. You think you're smart, too. I know it. But I caught you. Ha!
[Too shy to make the first move?] Haha, oh yeah. The personification of Shyness right here.


[Daydreamer] No.
[sarcastic] Definitely.
[Angel] See the halo?
[Devil] I've already said I'm an angel you idiot.
[Shy] WLAK LA2!!!!!!
[Talkative] Often.


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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

4/19/2006 12:52:00 AM - Green Eyes

Milady, love is in thine eyes made manifest-
They have for a long time its abode been.
With one look, they give me a pure, eternal rest,
Like heav'nly forestry they're glorious green.
Love in them lies, a treasure hidden in its chest,
And I alone their untold worth have seen.
For this, I count myself of men by far most blest,
And call myself a king, and thou mine, queen.


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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

4/18/2006 02:15:00 AM - One Solution

How many of us are alone? How many are sad? How many are broken-hearted? How many of us are purposeless? How many of us are unsure of tomorrow? How many of us ask ourselves questions we can't answer... Questions of eternal consequence, questions about the coming eternity?
Are we sure of anything? Do we have comfort? Are we satisfied in what we do, or do we always want more, more, more, more... Do we go about our lives satisfying our bodies or our souls? Do we care about helping others or ourselves, about gaining knowledge and wealth, or gaining friendships? Do we live to accomplish something to raise our head and be proud of ourselves, or do we humbly go about our lives, living a life to help others? Do we, who say we love God and want to do what he wants for us, obey him? Do we love our neighbor as ourselves? Do we truly care for, not to mention, love, our enemies? Do we think of inspiring and encouraging those around us or are we clueless and careless about whoever is watching? Do we follow something just because, or are we driven, determined, and aware of our goals?
I'll tell you what, my dear readers. If you ever feel alone, if you ever feel weak, if you ever feel discouraged, if you ever feel unsure, if you don't know how to get satisfaction, if you don't know where your life is leading you, if you are stressed with the cares of life, if you think that you need some guidance, I have a solution for you. Pick up a Bible, open it, and read something. If only a few words, it'll make you think, if a few pages, it'll make you wonder, if a few chapters, it'll make you happy. It doesn't matter your religion, age, or any beliefs. It doesn't matter your race or gender. It doesn't matter if you believe in Christianity or not. Just find a Bible and read a few words from it. Compare it to your beliefs. See if things make sense to you. If you're tired, you'll find rest, if you're unsafe, you'll find security, if you're lost, you'll find a home, if you're proud, it'll humble you. Do you have a problem you can't figure out? Do you have a void inside you that you can't fill? I've just told you the one and only solution. Think of this post the next time you fall, think of it the next time you're tired, think of it if you're lost. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, or if you even care about religion. Just read a few words of the Bible for their artistic value, for their historical significance, if you will. Read a few words from it and you won't be disappointed or discouraged.
How do I know it's the only solution? It's been proven to me several times.

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

4/09/2006 01:08:00 PM - Old writing

Anger, the simple, dangerous substitute to love rules supreme tonight. It bids me, yell and shout. Show your rage. Break things. But I wonder. I pause and think of recompense for these sorts of things. And unflinchingly, I sit, without one belligerent act. I am composed. I am destroyed, I lost the purest thing in me--that reaction was naturally harnessed by anonymous and instinctive calculation-- and soon the angry man is destroyed.

I am hurt, but at peace.


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Sunday, April 02, 2006

4/02/2006 11:25:00 PM - By Writing

Tonight, I just want to write. I have not written in such a long time. Don't get me wrong-- I write often, almost everyday-- but I want to just write immensely today. I miss it so much, almost as much as some people I haven't seen in ages. You know, writing and people are so similar. They're both a constant learning experience... But writing, you can always fix and change and erase. With people, though... What's done is done, over with, finished. You never regret anything with writing, 'cause it's never too late to fix things up. But, man, with people, it's a whole different story.
It seems to me like, as of late, writing is the only thing I do right. Everything is so skewed in real life, and then I write, and it's all paradisiacal. You know, words in a good piece of writing always fit together perfectly. No two words in a good writing, no two sentences, are distant from each other. The author's job is to merely reunite those lovers scattered apart from each other, alphabetized and published in long lists called dictionaries. Indeed, a good piece of writing contains no conflict with itself, no strife between words, no contradiction. A constant truth is displayed, a single message, carried over word by word, through a mesh of letters and words and ideas, all holding hands, and traveling down the same path. If only people were like words, and our world a good piece of writing.
But it's not. And in each of our lives, it is rare to find something so brilliant as a good writing. It's even rarer, meeting people that so perfectly blend in with those around them as each of the words of a good writing fits into its unique place like the last piece of a sizable jigsaw puzzle.
And that's why, tonight, I turn to writing: 'cause here, in this great place where people scarcely go, I am a traveling merchant in the realm of Thought and Imagination, gaining the greatest wealth, simply and carelessly, by writing.
And, by writing, I leave the crumpled papers that are our world behind, and live the life of a perfectly placed word in a writing that'd make a Shakespeare proud.

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

4/01/2006 02:24:00 AM - Veterans

We, who float like shadows,
Forsaken ghosts, lost in wilderness,
We, who cry so quietly,
Who smell of dust and blood.
We who rise so often,
After we've crashed down.
We stand here, smiling.
We stand here, triumphant.
And, most gloriously of all,
We stand.

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