I could live on your neck, forever.
There, where my kisses can wander freely,
Where I'd sleep all night on your collarbones.
My thoughts escape me as I sit here
And they go to you,
They long for skin.
They look for passion.
They find it only on your neck.
So all I can write, think, breathe,
Is the fragrance of your neck,
And my love for you roams all night
Between my heart and yours,
Between my mouth and yours.
There on your neck I left
A trail of kisses to mark my way
Back to you,
I left my blood, my tears,
The tears of my whole life.
I left the tears of all my prayers.
I left the anger of my pining
For you, I left the scent
Of spit, Of sweat, of faint perfume,
Of all the intimacy we command
In our dark kisses.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
7/17/2010 09:40:00 PM - Your Neck
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