In a cage far away thinking
About a beautiful, beautiful scene
With you and an Unknown?
An X. Incognito. Shadow. Anonimity.
It smiles to you, but Its face is hidden.
Concealed by Shadows and Dust.
Do you ever sit, contemplating
That face that could be
As beautiful as Lightning
Or as Frightening as Thunder;
As dazlling as Icicles,
Or as cold as Snow?
Do you ever consider It:
Winking; Laughing; even Crying?
I also imagine drops of sweat on It's forehead;
Shivering even, from time to time.
I imagine It Singing;
I imagine Its rage and pacifism.
All of Its feelings I know.
Its emotions I've memorized.
All, but Her face still shuns me.
Once again you have astounded me with your way with words and your ability to write beyond believable poetry. I give you a golf clap on this one. *golf*clap* Keep on surprising me with your awesome poems.
~Rachel Louise~
{kwoo§hie}* said...
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we, like wrote the same line.... that last one...