Am greatest by far because you love me.
My only talent is that of the pen,
But excel in all things because you love me.
I, though lonely at first,
Am happiest on earth because you love me.
I, who was broken, imperfect, and dead,
Am lively and perfect, because you love me.
I, though speechless and dumb,
Have excess to say because you love me.
I was once tearful and scared without love,
Now fearless of death am, because you love me.
I'm in love with the awesomest person on earth. I'm an insomniac. I'm a maniac. I'm loosing my mind, my grades at school are plumeting, but I'm the happiest person on Earth. That's why I wrote this poem.
How can you be in love with the most awesomest person on earth? For I am sure that she is already in love with you.
Adonis said...
I don't get what you're asking...
Sawsan said...
ahhhhhhhhh im sure shes the same way
What I meant was how can you be in love with the most awesomest person in the world, because you are the most awesomest person in the world. And chances are like you said, she is in love with you too. Who wouldn't be. I would be in love if I found someone just like you again. But I know there will never be anyone like you. Oh well. Life sucks.
Adonis said...
Who are you? why are you posting anonymously???? Chicken!
Adonis said...
Alright, sorry if this wasn't clear, but she knows. She likes me too, if you guys didn't get that as well.
Adonis said...
Momomo! Cool nickname... care to give your real name?? I feel stupid calling someone momomo. It's like I'm a stutterer. Are you a Neonazi trying to take over the world and want to hire Earth's most lethal ninja, me, to assist? Or are you a stalker... Lurking in the shadows, following my footsteps with greatest of care. Oh, wait! you're a pirate who needs my help to extract a treasure too heavy for one person to carry out of the enormous, foggy, demonic cave. So, if you are any of those, please A) give me your name, and B) elaborate, cause that would be awesome. I hate anonymity (except for the one I see in visions, but that's another story.)